The Joys–and Uses–of Teaching Anthropology

Yes, I’ve retired from full-time teaching.  Yes, I sometimes miss it, and may well return to the classroom from time to time.

For now, I was tickled to read of the impact that a research methods class I taught a few years back has had on a student.  Apparently, he’s now using those interview methods I taught him to figure out how people interact with the Expedia website, then using those interviews to improve users’ experiences online.  Who said anthropology is old-fashioned and irrelevant?


Chris Nixon Interviews Shopper, Seattle Mall


  • The same situation with me. I’ve retired from full-time teaching. And, yes, I sometimes miss it, and may well return to the classroom from time to time.

    • admin

      Thanks for your comment, Jodie. I’m actually using the Facebook page for my new co-edited book (A World of Babies) as my classroom, taking the opportunity to share thoughts and updates there about current conditions for children and families around the world (especially, these days, refugee and immigrant families). I encourage you to think creatively about the different spaces that can serve as “classrooms”!

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